Holistic Rehab Therapies

There are a wide variety of holistic approaches to addiction therapy, and to benefit your overall wellness, you should consider trying several over the course of your treatment. You may even discover activities you enjoy so much that you continue practicing them when your time in rehab has come to an end.

  • Nutritional therapy. The food we put into our bodies plays a huge role in the way we feel. Nutritionists can help you create a meal plan that not only feeds your physical self, but your emotional being as well. This often includes organic, minimally processed or unprocessed whole foods like lean meats and proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.
  • Outdoor therapy. Spending time in the fresh air and sunshine is spiritual and cathartic. Outdoor therapy can include gentle activities like hiking, kayaking and swimming. More immersive excursions may include adventures like camping, rock climbing and ziplining.
  • Yoga, tai chi and meditation. Yoga and tai chi are wonderful ways to get some exercise, but their true benefits are in teaching the body and mind to work cohesively, which is also the goal of meditation. All three of these activities provide a peaceful, gentle mind-body connection, and help practitioners focus on the present moment rather than the past and future, which is a key pillar of finding sobriety.
  • Massage and acupressure. If you’ve ever gotten a knot in your shoulder or a stiff neck because of stress, you know the amazing feeling of having that pressure released. Much like yoga, tai chi and meditation, massage and acupressure help set a foundation for mindfulness, which helps people in recovery make wise choices for their well-being.
  • Acupuncture. A holistic practice that’s been used for centuries, acupuncture involves piercing the skin with delicate needles to ease physical and emotional pain. Many recovering addicts find this therapy extremely beneficial for relieving stress and even reducing substance cravings.
  • Herbal and natural remedies. The earth offers all kinds of natural healing modalities. These remedies may include herbal (non-hallucinogenic) supplements, incense or essential oils. They offer a variety of benefits like headache relief and simple relaxation, which can bring immense comfort to those in addiction recovery.
  • Art therapy. Allowing your inner creative genius to emerge is a therapeutic way to work through your emotions and rejuvenate your whole self. Many holistic rehabs offer creative classes like painting, pottery and sculpting.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Utilized in both traditional and holistic rehab settings, CBT teaches patients how to actively manipulate negative thought patterns and ideas into positive, constructive ones. Learning how to turn negative energy into positivity is one of the most valuable skills you can learn in recovery, because it’s one that will help you say no to relapse triggers, make healthy food choices, incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, and beyond.